Transform Your Never Fail Brownies

You may have already made the Never Fail Brownies recipe that we featured last year, but I am guessing you didn’t know how versatile they can be.

Cherry Cheesecake Brownies
I have been working on this PDF cookbook for some time now (you can only eat so many brownies at one time without gaining way too much weight!) and I have found 10 different ways to transform my basic Never Fail Brownies recipe into something special.
I have seen dozens, even hundreds of ways to prepare brownies on Pinterest. Sometimes I try a recipe that I find there, only to discover that it doesn’t turn out the way I had hoped.

Peanut Butter Brownies
Rest assured, I have made all of these versions – some multiple times – and found that they measure up. I (and a number of other lucky taste-testers) have tried these amazing variations and they all are delicious.
If I had to choose one, I think my personal favourite would have to be the Cherry Cheesecake Brownies. They’re a little bit like a Black Forest Chocolate cake, one of my favourites from my childhood.

Brownie Truffles
My middle daughter loves the Peanut Butter Brownies, even though she normally won’t touch regular brownies at all! All three of my children particularly liked the Brownie Truffles – perhaps that’s because they’re enrobed in chocolate. My husband, who is not a big sweet eater, really liked the coffee flavour of the Chocolate Mocha Brownies.
I’ve included six other recipe variations in addition to the ones mentioned above. I’m sure you’ll find a favourite too!
So, how do you get all these delicious recipes? Well, I’ve decided to feature “10 Brownie Transformations” as a bonus for signing up for the Sweetie Treats newsletter.

Mocha Brownies
Sign up below for my newsletter and you’ll receive an email confirming your subscription and a link to download the PDF. After that, I’ll send you an email newsletter letting you know whenever I post a new blog or recipe. It’s as simple as that! (And, of course, you can unsubscribe at any time!) Your information will be kept private and I will not share your email with anyone else.