Welcome to Sweetie Treats

I’ve enjoyed baking since I was a young girl in middle school. I still remember the afternoon when my best friend and I worked on making a cherry pie. After it was baked, my mom wanted to take a picture since we had made a special cutout of cherries on the top.
But, when I tilted it up for the picture, it slipped right out of the glass pie plate and onto the floor. Thankfully, it wasn’t very far to the floor so, other than a couple of cracks, it held together. We carefully slipped it back into the pie plate and proceeded to take the photo, this time, holding it on the plate!
Since then I’ve had many other misadventures, but more often than not, most of the baking I do turns out VERY well. So well, that a few years ago, after hearing loads of compliments, I got the great idea to go into the baking business.
Well, being an introvert, I decided that a web site would be the way to go. My husband works in IT (a.k.a. – with computers) so I naturally wasn’t too intimidated by trying to get an e-commerce web site up and running.
Over two years later (that’s another story!) it was as close to being done as it was going to get, but there was one big problem… not only did I have no customers, but I also had done enough research to discover that selling baking from home is frowned upon in the province where I live.
Basically, if I tried to sell baked goods from my house, I would be violating dozens of food safety laws. The only legitimate way for me to sell baked goods was to have a government-inspected kitchen…which was not in the budget.
So, my original site, beautiful as it was to me, languished in the online no-man’s land of cyberspace. Unless you already knew that it existed, you were very unlikely to run across it by accident.
So, that leads us to about one year ago. I had been listening to numerous podcasts pertaining to business and leadership in an attempt to educate myself and be more informed in my role as a partner in my husband’s IT company.
I came across a video training course by Michael Hyatt (I highly recommend his blog if you are looking to grow as a person and leader). Watching this 3-video course about an online makeover for another blogger inspired me, but I wasn’t sure what my platform could be about.
A few months later I watched another video course, this one by Jeff Walker, about how to launch your product online. Immediately following that course, another series by Michael Hyatt was released. The combination of both of these series inspired me to think differently about my own web site.
I realized that I did have a product – my recipes and my expertise in baking. I did have something to share with the world! And it didn’t involve trying to avoid the dreaded health and food inspector and regulations – even better!
And that leads us to today. I am re-launching my SweetieTreats.ca site with a new focus – teaching you how to make the best desserts and treats I know. I’ll be sharing recipes that have become family favorites and other recipes that never fail to impress at parties or potlucks.
I would love to know what your family favorites are and your fond memories of baking. If you’ve never baked before, let me know any questions you have and how your baking turns out!